Saturday, February 27, 2010

Beautiful Karachi

This is how beautiful Karachi looks at night, but this is not how people in Karachi are sleeping tonight.
Again, like so many times in the past, there is no electricity for the residents of Karachi. People are awake in the awe of the night, sweating and fighting the dangerous blood thirsty mosquitoes with no power to light up their homes like how you see in the image above.
Today, Pakistan’s English newspaper Dawn printed a cartoon, depicting WAPDA, Pakistan’s water and power Supply Corporation, receiving an award from Guinness book of world records, stressing on the fact that Guinness should give an award to the local body for allowing the most blackouts in the world.
They say things will change in about 5 year period, I say, that’s why they said in 1978 too.
People did come out on the streets to protest and to demonstrate their plight, but to no avail.
Unite Pakistan, for Gods sake.

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