Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Facebook Chat

Facebook Chat is a service which provides a new way to communicate with your friends real-time. Chat allows more immediacy than The Wall and Inbox the other ways of keeping up with friends. No installation or assembly is required. The messages are delivered and displayed to your friend as soon as they are sent. You can also collapse conversations to get them out of the way and go offline if you do not want to use chat at all.

Embedded Chat Now in Facebook

Facebook is one of those websites I’ve been trying to manage my time on lately. Between Facebook and Twitter, there’s a battle for which one will remain open the longest on my screen.
Now Facebook has added a new feature that may make it even more difficult to turn it off. They now have embedded chat features so you can instantly talk to your Facebook friends that are online.
To some degree it’s not a big deal for me because I’m always logged into all my chat clients (Live Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Y! Messenger) at once with Trillian. That along with keeping a Gmail tab open continuously lets me pretty much contact anyone that’s online at any time anyway.
However, for those people not as immersed in instant messaging applications already, this is a great new feature!
For people like me though, the next question is when there will be an application that allows me to combine all my chat clients (Live Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Y! Messenger, Google Talk, Skype, and now Facebook) all into one location and buddy list manager. That my friends would be the ultimate!!!!

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