Friday, February 12, 2010

Make $952.77 from Google AdSense in just 3 steps

If you don’t believe me just check out the screen shot below.

Make $952 from Google AdSense in just 3 steps!

AdSense earnings

Shocked? Obviously you must have been.
I started my blogging career an year ago and I got my first AdSense
check only 3 months back. Before that, I used to check my balance
everyday and what I got was a dollar or two and sometimes only a few
cents. But this new trick will help you make your account balance reach
a huge amount you can ever imagine.

Wait, But this time Google will not be
sending any checks for these balance. Yeah, the screenshot shown above
was taken from a fake AdSense generator. You can generate a balance
page with any amount you want. Use this trick to show your friends how
much you “earned” with Google AdSense this month.

Oh, You still want the three steps. Okay, here they are

  1. Login to this site
  2. Enter the amount you want
  3. Click on make money

For those who came to this post on
reading the title. Sorry to disappoint you guys. I wished there was
some real way of making more $$ from AdSense. But as you know, money
doesn’t come the easy way. So, work hard on your sites and money will
start flowing through automatically.

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