Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Best News & Magazine Sites

Best News & Magazine Sites

If you are a regular reader of the biased mainstream news then you may be somewhat brainwashed. To escape from the media "matrix", we suggest you have a good read of the sites below.


> Best Independent & Alternative News Sites

CounterPunch - GO - political insights & high quality independent journalism from the progressive front. 

Znet - GO - community of advocates, alternative thinkers & independent writers. 

Project Censored - GO - revealing the Top 10 most censored stories in the mainstream media. Sensational stuff & essential reading from Sonoma University. 

Global Issues - GO - exploring the causes of social dysfunction in the world. 

YellowTimes.org - GO - alternative news & views on social progress in the world. 

Fair.org - GO - devoted to fairness & accuracy in reporting. 

MediaLens - GO - independent news service correcting the distorted views of mainstream media. 

Media Watch - GO - media literacy through education & action. 

Cursor.org - GO - broader views on the news from this group educating the public on the relationship between media & society. 

Journalism.org - GO - examining the status quo of the US news media

Pew Research Center - GO - public opinion research investigating global trends in social attitudes

MediaChannel .org - GO - the global network for Democratic media. 

CommonDreams - GO - news & views for the progressive commmunity. 

rabble.ca - GO - features some of the best progressive writers in Canada

> Best Internet News & Magazine Sites

Wired - GO - excellent coverage of web news, culture & inside happenings. 

The Register - GO - biting the hand that feeds IT. 

Google News Search GO - search current news headlines or explore Google's news resources

News - GO - high quality IT news service from CNET. 

Yahoo News - GO - good quality online news service. 

Slashdot - GO - news for Nerds & stuff that matters. 

MacSurfer's Headline News - GO - comprehensive news & tips for the legions of Apple fans. 

OJR - GO - evaluating the quality of journalism in cyberspace. 

> Top Activism & Advocacy Sites

truthout - GO - insights & social analysis of current political & world events.

MoveOn.org - GO - grassroots community devoted to democracy in action. 

Democracy Now! - GO - political commentary & news. 

The Crisis Papers - GO - anthology of political opinion from the progressive internet. 

Occupation Watch - GO - reporting events & news following the unlawful invasion & misfortunate destruction of Iraq.

Intervention Magazine - GO - war, politics, culture. 

Electronic Iraq - GO - news portal examining the current crisis in Iraq. 

CorpWatch - GO - using education to expose unethical actions from corporations seeking global control. 

Business Leaders For Sensible Priorities - GO - 

MichaelMoore.com - GO - laugh until you cry. 

Bring Them Home Now - GO - campaign by US military families & vets to end the misguided military disaster in Iraq. 

Environmentalists Against War - GO - stop the war against the planet & all its peoples. 

Gore Vidal Index - GO - anyone seeking to understand current world events should become familiar with the works of Gore Vidal. More info can be found on the Gore Vidal pages. Here is an interview of this highly respected author & here's another interview. 

> Top Political Sites

The Center for Public Integrity - GO - public service journalism producing investigative studies into US government accountability & ethics. 

Power & Interest News Report - GO - independent insights into global conflicts - seeking to inform rather than persuade. 

The Center for Responsive Politics - GO - tracking all the money in US politics.

MotherJones.com - GO - independent non profit commited to social justice through investigative reporting.

TomPaine.com - GO - public interest journal featuring ideas & analysis overlooked by mainstream media. 

WhiteHouseForSale.Org - GO - tracking the influence of private monies in presidential campaigns. 

Reflections on Democracy - GO - where are we at ?. 

United Nations - GO - the free world gave a whole generation of lives to create this global institution to ensure world peace. Now it is our generations turn to give the UN our support.

> Best Mainstream News & Media Sites

Guardian Unlimited - GO - one of the best online UK daily papers. 

The Onion - GO - humorous look at current news, audiovisual club & more. 

ENS News - GO - great environmental news service.

Reason GO - different views on the news. 

JournalismNet - GO - alternative news, top sites & global media focus.

Refdesk - GO - comprehensive news & search links.

> Best Business News Sites

E-Commerce Times GO - keep up to date with the latest events in the world of e-commerce. 

The Street GO - irreverent financial news. 

Red Herring - GO - tech market investment & e-biz news. 

HBS Working Knowledge GO - high quality special reports & business insghts from the Harvard Business School.

Business2.com - GO - original business reports & reviews.
> International News Links

Kindon Media - GO - European & global news links. 

World News - GO - best quality Australian TV news service. 

Arab News - GO - perspectives from the Arab world. 

Samachar - GO - Indian & Asian news links. 

The Toronto Star - GO - Canadian news service. 

Daily Times - GO - News from Pakistan. 

> We Want World PEACE !

PProgressive, Peaceful & Honest Politicians with Positive Solutions.
EEquitable Distribution of the Planets Resources & Wealth for all Humanity.
AActive Appreciation of Diversity & Cultural Differences.
CConstitutional Democratic Freedoms & Constructive Lifestyles for All Persons.
EExemplary Leadership from the Collective Might of the Nations of the Free World.

Never Give Up on Peace 

Never Give Up Looking for a Win-Win !

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