Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Top Ten Most Wanted Jobs in the World

Top Ten Most Wanted Jobs in the World

A report on world’s top ten open jobs was released by Business Week. Employers from all over the world gave the reasons for the position remaining vacant was the shortage of finance professionals and educated engineers. The scope included both the blue and white collared jobs. Surprisingly it was found that even in areas where there were unemployed and impoverished people Employers reported shortage of Manpower which indicates that there are certain critical gaps between the requirement by the Employers and the availability of workforce.
Manpower- a staffing company consulted Companies from all over the world and recently released a list of the Top Ten most wanted Workforce which is as follows:-
Sales Representatives: There is always a shortage of knowledgeable and talented Sales persons and it is more in the United States and Japan. Employers are always on the look out for Sales representatives who understand their products thoroughly and are able to skillfully communicate and relate that information according to the needs of the consumer. Jeff Joerres of Manpower says that awareness of innovations and logistics at the global level is the key requirement of the companies looking for Sales representatives.
Plumbers, Electricians and other Manual Trades: Electricians, welders, carpenters, Plumbers and other skilled blue-collared professionals are always in high demand worldwide. Swiss Adecco, a staffing company is giving training and teaching Norwegian to the Polish workers in the construction industry. It then gets them jobs in Norway, where this industry is struggling due to acute shortage of workforce.
Lab Workers and Other Technicians: Employers in China are facing lot of difficult in finding skilled laboratory technicians even though China has abundant supply of labor. The reason is that educated technicians are in short supply and people who are presently working keep on changing jobs quickly as with every change they get increase in their salary.
Engineers: Engineers are needed in every country, but in Germany which has engineering giants like Siemens and BMW there is always a shortage of competent engineers. These companies are always on the lookout of such skilled employees. It is now felt that due to the shortage of engineers, auto part industry is taking the hit which will ultimately reduce competitiveness in this industry.
Accountants and Finance Experts: The use of Technology in this field has helped in setting up advanced system of accounting and finance and as a result new people are required who possess the new skills for tallying the books of accounts. With the increase in the complexity of business the requirement of accountants has also increased for recording and measuring of the complex numbers.
Laborers and Factory Hands: It is often seen that Employers in China, India and Eastern Europe also are unable to find enough helping hands for their manufacturing units. There are vacant laborer positions round the year, even though there are millions of people who are unable to get good jobs. The reason is that the labor is staying too far off from the manufacturing centre with no commuting facilities. One more reason is that even the labor which is available lacks the minimum skills which are required for the job in the manufacturing company.
Skilled Manufacturing Workers: The problems are similar to those faced with the factory hands and laborers and one finds manufacturing units always looking for skilled workers. Also at the global level the working age population is on the decrease in many nations.  Companies are offering various incentive schemes and necessary training to retain and fill these essential jobs. Similarly due attention is also paid to workers productivity and many companies are spending lot of money and time in training their laborers and give them necessary skills required for the job.
Bus, Taxi and Truck Drivers: The shortage of experienced drivers is being felt for a long time especially in the cities like New York, Barcelona and Paris.
Senior Managers: Formerly Communist countries of the world do not have these positions filled up and even though the technical schools are flourishing in these countries, there are very few courses for MBA’s. Now recruiters have started to realize this and in countries like Hungary MBA programs are being started to provide for the open jobs.
Machinist and Equipment Operators: With the fast development of the technology, heavy equipment and machinery are being built by many manufacturers, but they are unable to find competent and qualified employees for its maintenance. If required steps are not taken then this problem is only going to worsen globally.

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