Saturday, May 22, 2010

Facebook banned “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!” Group

Facebook banned Group
“Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!”

You can see in above screenshot in search no group found,The Management of facebook now banned “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day!” Group,But its too late becuase they ban after event had celebrated the whole day 20th May 2010.
Every one know “Every body Draw Mohammed Day” is an group in which Jews and non- muslims are going to draw a sketch of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH(naozubillah).The Event was held on 20th Of May 2010.The Event is created on Facebook and more than 85,000 People have joined it.
In Pakistan the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has blocked Facebook over a competition encouraging its users to post caricatures of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) on the social networking site.However, the court ordered complete ban till May 31 2010.But we want to banned Permanently.

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