Sunday, May 23, 2010

Facebook ‘Draw Mohammad Day’ a Victory for Muslims – Cartoonist Molly Norris Apologizes

Facebook ‘Draw Mohammad Day’ a Victory for Muslims – Cartoonist Molly Norris Apologizes
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Molly Norris the Cartoonist behind the condemned Facebook “Draw Mohammad Day” have apologized to the Muslim world and have realized it to be her biggest mistake out of ignorance.
Following is what she says on her website:
I did NOT ‘declare’ May 20 to be “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.”
I made a cartoon about the television show South Park being censored. (I wish that was what our energies were going toward — protesting’s threat to Comedy Central, and Comedy Central’s over reaction to it which set America on a slippery slope toward censorship!)
At any rate, my satirical poster, with a fake ‘group’ behind it (Citizens Against Citizens Against Humor) was taken seriously, hijacked and made viral.
I never started a facebook page; I never set up any place for pepole to send drawings to and I never received any drawings (I see that two European graduate students and another woman started the facebook pages).
My one-off cartoon does not work well as a long-term plan. The vitriol this ‘day’ has brought out, of people who only want to draw obscene images, is offensive to Muslims who did nothing to endanger our right to expression in the first place. Only Viacom and Revolution Muslim are to blame, so…draw them instead!
I apologize to people of Muslim faith and ask that this ‘day’ be called off.
Thank you to those who are turning this crazy thing into an opportunity for dialogue.
Oh, and screw all of you who are mad at me for not leading a ‘movement’. My cartoon was the beginning and end of what I had to say about this creepy, historic censorship. (By the way, where is Cowardly Central now? Pretty dang quiet. Guess they can dish it out but can’t take it.)


P.S. The nicest email I have received have been from Muslims.
(I regret going on the Dave Ross radio show on April 25th, before my cartoon went viral; my ego took me there. It was a mistake to go there when I wasn’t clear about things. I let myself get side-swiped. Crap!)
You can also visit her website for exact source and reference.
Sara Khan
Tags: Molly Norris,Molly Norris Facebook Draw Mohammad Day,I joined Against Everybody Draw Mohammed Day

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