Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Some Unusual and Creative T-shirts

Some Unusual and Creative T-shirts
 10 Unusual and Creative T-Shirts
Cre­ative and unusual t-shirt designs that will spice up anyone’s wardrobe.

Philips LED T-Shirts

Devel­oped by Philips, Lumalive inte­grates a flex­i­ble array of mul­ti­color LEDs into a piece of cloth, which allows the cloth to dis­play graph­ics, text, and ani­ma­tion. 
Philips LED T-Shirts

Intern T-Shirt

These cre­ative t-shirts were given out to new interns at the JWT New York adver­tis­ing agency. 
Intern T-Shirt

Ani­mated Pong T-Shirt

Sim­ply pop two AAA bat­ter­ies into the con­cealed pack, push a but­ton and voila! Cool ani­mated glow­ing retro gam­ing on your chest. 
Animated Pong T-Shirt

Hang­over Baby T-Shirt

Baby Car­los from the movie Hang­over is now on a t-shirt.
Hangover Baby T-Shirt

Res­i­dent Evil Zom­bie T-Shirt

Awe­some t-shirt from Cap­com that can turn you into a zom­bie. 
Resident Evil Zombie T-Shirt

Six Pack Abs T-Shirt

Six Pack Abs T-Shirt

Geek Hand Sign T-Shirt

We all have seen the gang­ster hand signs thrown to show gang alle­giance, but have you seen the geek equiv­a­lent? This is one for the web devel­op­ers and coders out there – the < head > tag. 
Geek Hand Sign T-Shirt

Chalk­board T-Shirt

Express Your­self! Write, draw, erase, and repeat… 
Chalkboard T-Shirt

Venet­ian Blind T-Shirt

The string is not a print, but a real string, which you can pull to open the blinds. 
Venetian Blind T-Shirt
Clever and Creative T-Shirt Designs

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