Thursday, May 20, 2010

Website ( Hacked By Turkish Muslims

Website ( 
Hacked By Turkish Muslims
Everybody Draw Muhammad Day Website Hacked By Turkish Muslim

The hacking achievement accomplished by a Turkish hacker against the (Visit this to find out; website proves that muslims have the power to fight the cyber war and to teach the evil doers a lesson to respect the Holy values of all religions including Islam. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) showed an exemplary attitude against the enemies of Islam, treated them in the best way, which depicts the open-heartedness and forgiving attitude of Islam.
However, the basic human rights disallow such abusement of any single being.
May ALLAH, the Allmighty, guide such foolish people towards the right path.
The Index that Cyber Warrior has put on the web page,
“While All Islam World regard with reverence to your prophet and address him as Hz. ISA A.S ( Christ ) ( putting a holy prefix in front of his name ),
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