Thursday, May 20, 2010

YouTube Pakistan, Pakistan Gov Blocked YouTube, Facebook

YouTube Pakistan, Pakistan Gov Blocked YouTube, Facebook

YouTube Pakistan, Pakistan Gov Blocked YouTube, FacebookPakistan Government blocked a famous site YouTube on Thursday in case of “sacrilegious” content in a growing internet crackdown against sites deemed offensive to the Pakistan`s majority Muslim population.
This comes in the backdrop of Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) ban on the popular social networking website Facebook after a controversy surrounding the website hosting an event promoting caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) blocked access to Facebook on a strict court order over a competition created by Facebook user who set up a page called ‘Draw Mohammed Day’.
Pakistani government acted against both Facebook and YouTube after it failed to persuade the websites to remove the “derogatory material.”
Access to the online encyclopedia site Wikipedia and the photo sharing site Flickr was also restricted today. YouTube was also blocked in the country in 2007 for about a year what it called un-Islamic videos and pictures.

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