Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chat and Sms Shortcuts and their Abbreviations

Chat and Sms Shortcuts and their Abbreviations
Instant Message, Chat Terms, SMS Abbreviations, Text Messaging Abbreviations at Coolfun2012.blogspot.com

Text Shortcuts for Chat rooms Messenger Programs and SMS Texting. 

Chat and Sms Shortcuts

im talk abbreviations
text talk abbreviations
text message shortcuts
im text shortcuts
The objective of SMS language is to use the fewest number of characters needed to ... and to communicate more quickly, than one can manage without such shortcuts. ... and has evolved from the shorthand use in Internet chat rooms

In today’s modern World, not only dresses are becoming short but also Words have been abbreviated. Today, majority of Internet and mobile users use Abbreviations while communicating or sending text on mobile. Some of most common such words are LOL, WTF, OMG and there are many more such FANCY and Funky words. Here is a list of such words with their meanings so that you could better communicate next time in a modern way. following are the CHAT shortcuts.

The Largest List of Text Message Shorthand (IM, SMS) and Internet 

  • AFAIK means As Far As I Know
  • AFK means Away From Keyboard
  • A.O.A means Aslam-o-Alykum
  • ASAP means As Soon As Possible
  • BAS means Big A$$ Smile
  • BBL means Be Back Later
  • BBN means Bye Bye Now
  • BBS means Be Back Soon
  • BEG means Big Evil Grin
  • BF means Boyfriend
  • BIBO means Beer In, Beer Out
  • BRB means Be Right Back
  • BTW means By The Way
  • BWL means Bursting With Laughter
  • C&G means Chuckle and Grin
  • CICO means Coffee In, Coffee Out
  • CID means Crying In Disgrace
  • CNP means Continued (in my) Next Post
  • CP means Chat Post(a chat message)
  • CRBT means Crying Real Big Tears
  • CSG means Chuckle Snicker Grin
  • CYA means See You (Seeya)
  • CYAL8R means See You Later (Seeyalata)
  • DLTBBB means Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite
  • EG means Evil Grin
  • EMSG means Email Message
  • FC means Fingers Crossed
  • FTBOMH means From The Bottom Of My Heart
  • FYI means For Your Information
  • FWIW means For What It’s Worth
  • GAL means Get A Life
  • GF means Girlfriend
  • GFN means Gone For Now
  • GMBA means Giggling My Butt Off
  • GMTA means Great Minds Think Alike
  • GTSY means Glad To See You
  • H&K means Hug and Kiss
  • HABU means Have A Better ‘Un
  • HAGN means Have A Good Night
  • HAGU means Have A Good ‘Un
  • HHIS means Hanging Head in Shame
  • HUB means Head Up Butt
  • IAE means In Any Event
  • IC means I See
  • IGP means I Gotta Pee
  • IMNSHO means In My Not So Humble Opinion
  • IMO means In My Opinion
  • IMCO means In My Considered Opinion
  • IMHO means In My Humble Opinion
  • IOW means In Other Words
  • IRL means In Real Life
  • IWALU means I Will Always Love You
  • JMO means Just My Opinion
  • JTLYK means Just To Let You Know
  • KIT means Keep In Touch
  • KOC means Kiss On Cheek
  • KOL means Kiss On Lips
  • L8R means Later
  • L8R G8R means Later ‘Gater
  • LHM means Lord Help Me
  • LHO means Laughing Head Off
  • LHU means Lord Help Us
  • LMAO means Laughing My A$$ Off
  • LMSO means Laughing My Socks Off
  • LOL means Laugh Out Loud
  • LSHMBB means Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing
  • LSHMBH means Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts
  • LSHTTARDML means Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg
  • LTNS means Long Time No See
  • LTS means Laughing To Self
  • LUWAMH means Love You With All My Heart
  • LY means Love Ya
  • MTF means More To Follow
  • NRN means No Reply Necessary
  • NADT means Not A Darn Thing
  • OIC means Oh, I See
  • OL means Old Lady (significant other)
  • OM means Old Man (significant other)
  • OMG means OH! MY GOD
  • OTOH means On The Other Hand
  • OTTOMH means Off The Top of My Head
  • PDS means Please Don’t Shoot
  • PITA means Pain In The A$$
  • PM means Private Message
  • PMFJI means Pardon Me For Jumping In
  • PMP means Peed My Pants
  • POAHF means Put On A Happy Face
  • QSL means Reply
  • QSO means Conversation
  • QT means Cutie
  • ROFL means Rolling On Floor Laughing
  • ROFLAPMP means ROFL And Peeing My Pants
  • ROFLMAO means ROFL My A$$ Off
  • ROFLMAOWTIME means ROFLMAO With Tears In My Eyes
  • ROFLUTSROFL means Unable to Speak
  • RTFM means Read The F****** Manual!
  • SETE means Smiling Ear To Ear
  • SHID means Slaps Head In Disgust
  • SNERT means Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager
  • SO means Significant Other
  • SOT means Short Of Time
  • SOTMG means Short Of Time Must Go
  • SWAK means Sealed With A Kiss
  • SWAS means Scientific Wild A$$ Guess
  • SWL means Screaming with Laughter
  • SYS means See You Soon
  • TA means Thanks Again
  • TGIF means Thank God It’s Friday
  • TCOY means Take Care Of Yourself
  • TILII means Tell It Like It Is
  • TNT means Till Next Time
  • TOY means Thinking Of You
  • TTFN means Ta Ta For Now
  • TTYL means Talk To You Later
  • WAS means Wild A$$ Guess
  • WB means Welcome Back
  • WS means Wa-Alykum-Us-Salaam
  • WTH means What/Who The Heck (or sub an ‘F’ for the ‘H’)
  • WTF means What the Fu*k
  • YBS means You’ll Be Sorry
  • YG means Young Gentleman
  • YL means Young Lady
  • YM means Young Man
What is an Acronym?
An Acronym is a word formed from the initial letters of a name much like an abbreviation or text shortcut, such as LOL, which means Laughing out loud, and can also mean Lots of Luck. Another example many teens often use is the abbreviations “POS ” - parent(s) over shoulder, or "PAL" - Parents Are Listening, to indicate to the chat recipient that they are unable to talk because a parent is present.
Typing shortcuts are handy for slower typers, especially those with disabilities, as it is a quick and easy way of posting a sentence. Teenagers also commonly abbreviate words when texting on cell phones to save time.
Here are some of the most common chat room acronyms or abbreviations. These typing short cuts are also used in Email messages, IM messenger programs such as MSN and Yahoo, and commonly used today in SMS messages as text shortcuts when texting on mobile or cell phones.
List of Chat room SMS and Messenger Abbreviations

A-OLs - Administrators On-Line
AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact
ADN - Any Day Now
AFAIC - As Far As I'm Concerned
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFAIR - As Far As I Remember
AFJ - April Fools Joke
AFK - Away From the Keyboard
AISI - As I See It
ANFAWFOS - And Now For A Word From Our Sponsor
ANFSCD - And Now For Something Completely Different
AS - Another Subject
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ASAYGT - As Soon As You Get This
ASL - Age, sex, location
ATSL - Along The Same Line
AWC - After While, Crocodile
AWGTHTGTTA - Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again?
AWHFY - Are We Having Fun Yet?
AWTTW - A Word To The Wise
AYOR - At Your Own Risk

B4N - Bye For Now
BAC - Bad Assed Chick
BAK - Back At Keyboard
BBFN - Bye Bye For Now
BBIAB - Be Back In A Bit
BBIAF - Be Back In A Few
BBL - Be Back Later
BBR - Burnt Beyond Repair
BC - Because
BCNU - Be seein' you
BEG - Big Evil Grin
BF - Boy Friend
BFN - Bye For Now
BFD - Big Frickin Deal
BIF - Before I Forget
BION - Believe it or not
BOHICA - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again
BOT - Back On Topic
BRB - Be Right Back
BRS - Big Red Switch.
BTA - But Then Again
BTAIM - Be That As It May
BTHOM - Beats The Hell Outta Me
BTOBD - Be There Or Be Dead
BTW - By The Way
BWL - Bursting With Laughter
BWQ - Buzz Word Quotient
BYE - Response to BYE?
BYE? - Are you ready to say goodbye?"
BYKT - But You Knew That
BYOB - Bring Your Own Bottle
BYOM - Bring Your Own Mac

C&G - Chuckle and Grin
CADET - Can't Add, Doesn't Even Try
CID - Crying In Disgrace
CMIIW - Correct Me If I'm Wrong
CO - Conference or Company
CPP - C Plus Plus or C++
CRS - Can't Remember Sh**
CSG - Chuckle, Snicker, Grin
CU - See You
CU2 - See You, Too
CUL - See you later
CUL8R - See You Later
CULA - See You Later, Alligator
CWYL - Chat With You Later
CYA - See Ya or Cover Your Ass.
CYAL8R - See You All Later.
DIIK - Damned If I Know.
DIKU? - Do I Know You?
DILLIGAD - Do I Look Like I Give A Darnn?.
DIY - Do It Yourself
DK - Don't Know
DLTBBB - Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite.
DOTGOV - A government official
DTRT - Do The Right Thing
DWIMC - Do What I Mean, Correctly
DWIMNWIS - Do What I Mean, Not What I Say

EG or - Evil Grin
EOL - End of Life
ESAD - Eat Sh** And Die
ETLA - Extended Three Letter Acronym.

F2F - Face To Face
FCFS - First Come, First Served
FISH - First In, Still Here
FITB - Fill In The Blank
FOAD - F**k off and die
FOAF - Friend Of A Friend
FOAG - F**k Off And Google
FOMC - Fell Off My Chair
FS - For Sale
FTASB - Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
F2F - Face to Face
FTF - Face To Face
FTL - Faster Than Light
FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All Repair
FUBB - Fouled Up Beyond Belief.
FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt
FURTB - Full Up Ready To Burst
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYA - For Your Amusement
FYI - For Your Information

G - Grin, or Giggle
G1 - Good One
G2G - Got to Go
GA - Go Ahead
GAL - Get A Life
GD&R - Grinning, Ducking and Running
GD&RF - Grinning, Ducking and Running Fast
GD&WVF - Grinning, Ducking, and Walking Very Fast
GDW - Grin, Duck and Weave
GF - Girl Friend.
GFN - Gone For Now.
GFR - Grim File Reaper
GG - Good Game
GIDK - Gee I Don't Know
GIWIST - Gee, I Wish I'd Said That
GLGH - Good Luck and Good Hunting
GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
GOWI - Get On With It
GR&D - Grinning, Running and Ducking
GTG - Got To Go
GTSY - Great To See You

H&K - Hugs and Kisses
H4U - Hot For You
HAK - Hugs And Kisses
HHIS - Hanging Head In Shame.
HHOJ - Ha Ha Only Joking
HHOK - Ha Ha Only Kidding
HHOS - Ha Ha Only Serious
HHTYAY - Happy Holidays to You and Yours.
HNY - Happy New Year
HOYEW - Hanging On Your Every Word
HSIK - How Should I Know.
HT - Hi There
HBASTD - Hitting Bottom And Starting To Dig
HTH - Hope That Helps!

IAC - In Any Case
IAE - In Any Event
IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer
IAW - In Accordance With
IBK - Idiot Behind Keyboard
IBTD - I Beg To Differ
IC - I See
IDK - I Don't Know
IIABDFI - If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It.
IIRC - If I Remember Correctly
IIWM - If It Were Me
IJWTK - I Just Want To Know
IJWTS - I Just Want To Say
IKWUM - I Know What You Mean
IKYABWAI - I Know You Are But What Am I?
IMA - I Might Add
IMAO - In My Arrogant Opinion
IMCO - In My Considered Opinion
IME - In My Experience
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IMPOV - In My Point Of View
INPO - In No Particular Order
IOW - In Other Words
IRL - In Real Life
ISS - I'm So Sure
ISSYGTI - I'm So Sure You Get The Idea!
ISWYM - I See What You Mean
ITFA - In The Final Analysis
ITSFWI - If The Shoe Fits Wear It.
IWALU - I Will Always Love You
IWBNI - It Would Be Nice If
IYFEG - Insert Your Favorite Ethnic Group
IYSS - If You Say So
IYSWIM - If You See What I Mean

J4F - Just For Fun
JAM - Just A Minute
JAS - Just A Second
JC - Just Chilling
JFI - Just For Information
JIC - Just In Case
JK - Just Kidding
JMO - Just My Opinion
JTLYK - Just To Let You Know
JWK - Just Wondering

K - Okay
KHYF - Know How You Feel
KIBO - Knowledge In, Bullsh** Out
KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid
KIT - Keep In Touch
KMA - Kiss My Ass
KMIA - Kiss My Italian Ass
KWIM - Know What I Mean?
KYFC - Keep Your Fingers Crossed

L Laugh
L8R - Later
LABATYD or LAB&TYD - Life's A Bitch And Then You Die
LJBF - Let's Just Be Friends
LLTA - Lots and Lots of Thunderous Applause
LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off
LMHO - Laughing My Head Off
LOLV - Lot's Of Love
LOL - Lots Of Luck
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
LSHMBA - Laughing So Hard My Belly Aches
LSHMBH - Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts.
LTHTT - Laughing Too Hard To Type
LTM - Laughing To Myself
LTNS - Long Time No See
LTNT - Long Time, No Type
LTS - Laughing to Self
LUWAMH - Love You With All My Heart.
LY - Love You
LYLAB - Love You Like A Brother
LYLAS - Love You Like A Sister

MEGO - My Eyes Glaze Over
\M/ - Heavy Metal Music
MLA - Multiple Letter Acronym
MOF - Matter Of Fact
MOSS - Member Of Same Sex
MOTAS - Member Of The Appropriate Sex
MOTD - Message of the day
MOTOS - Member Of The Opposite Sex
MOTSS - Member Of The Same Sex
MRA - Moving Right Along
MTFBWY - May The Force Be With You
MYOB - Mind Your Own Business

NAVY - Never Again Voluneer Yourself.
NBD - No Big Deal
NE14KFC? - Anyone for KFC?
NFW - No Friggin' Way!
NHOH - Never Heard Of Him/Her
NIH - Not Invented Here
NIMBY - Not In My Back Yard.
NINO - Nothing In, Nothing Out or No Input, No Output
NITL - Not In This Lifetime
NM - Never Mind
NOYB - None Of Your Business
NP - No Problem
NQA - No Questions Asked
NRN - No Response Necessary
NTIM - Not That It Matters
NTIMM - Not That It Matters Much
NTW - Not To Worry
NTYMI - Now That You Mention It

O - Over (indicates the end of a communication)
OATUS - On A Totally Unrelated Subject
OAUS - On An Unrelated Subject
OB - Obligatory
OBO - Or Best Offer
OBTW - Oh, By The Way
OIC - Oh, I See
OMG - Oh My God
ONNA - Oh No, Not Again
ONNTA - Oh No, Not This Again
OO - Over and Out (end of communication)
OOTC - Obligatory On-Topic Comment
OST - On Second Thoughts
OTF - On the Floor (laughing)
OTFL - On the Floor Laughing
OTL - Out To Lunch
OTOH - On The Other Hand
OTOOH - On The Other Other Hand
OTT - Over The Top
OTTH - On The Third Hand
OTTOMH - Off The Top Of My Head
OWTTE - Or Words To That Effect

PABG - Packing a Big Gun
PCMCIA - People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms
PD - Public Domain
PDS - Please Don't Shout. (typing all in capital letters is rude)
PITA - Pain In The Ass
PLOKTA - Press Lots Of Keys To Abort
PM - Private Message PMBI - Pardon My Butting In
PMF - Pardon My French or Pure Freaking Magic.
PMFBI - Pardon Me For Butting In
PMFJI - Pardon Me For Jumping In
PMIGBOM - Put Mind In Gear, Before Opening Mouth
PMJI - Pardon My Jumping In
PMP - Peeing My Pants
PNCAH - Please, No Cursing Allowed Here
POS - Parent Over Shoulder
POS - Piece of Sh** or parent(s) over shoulder
POSSLQ - Person Of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters
POTUS - President of the United States
PPL - People
PTMM - Please Tell Me More

QT - Cutie

R U THERE? - Are you there?
RAEBNC - Read And Enjoyed, But No Comment
RE - Hello again or In Regard To
REHI - Hi again
RHIP - Rank Has Its Privileges
RL - Real Life
RLCO - Real Life Conference
ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLAS - Rolling On Floor Laughing And Screaming
ROFLMAO - Roll On Floor Laughing My Ass Off
ROTF - Rolling On The Floor
ROI - Return on Investment
ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAOTID - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off Till I Die
ROTFLOL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
ROTFLOLAPMP - Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud And Peeing My Pants
ROTFLTIC - Rolling On The Floor Laughing Till I Cry
RRQ - Return Receipt Request
RSN - Real Soon Now
RSVP - Respondez S'il Vous Plait - please reply
RTBM - Read The Bloody Manual
RTFAQ - Read The Frequently Asked Questions
RTFF - Read The Freaking FAQ
RTFM - Read The F------ Manual
RTM - Read The Manual
RTSM - Read The Silly Manual
RTWFQ - Read The Whole Friggin' Question
RYFM - Read Your Friendly Manual
RYS - Read Your Screen

S - Smile
SAPFU - Surpassing All Previous Foul Ups
SCNR - Sorry, Could Not Resist
SEC - Wait a second
SETE - Smiling Ear To Ear
SFLA - Stupid Four Letter Acronym
SICS - Sitting In Chair Snickering
SLM - See Last Mail
SMOP - Small Matter of Programming
SNAFU - Situation Normal: All Fouled Up
SO - Significant Other
SOB - Stressd Out Bigtime
SOL - SH** Out Of Luck
SOS - Same Old Stuff or Help!
SOW - Speaking Of Which
SUFID - Screwing Up Face In Disgust.
SUL - Snooze You Loose
SWIM - See What I Mean?
SWL - Screaming With Laughter
SYS - See You Soon.

TAF - That's All, Folks!
TAFN - That's All For Now
TAKS - That's a knee slapper
TANJ - There Ain't No Justice
TANSTAAFL - There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TARFU - Things Are Really Fouled Up
TBD - To Be Decided
TBYB - Try Before You Buy
TCO - Total Cost of Ownership
TDM - Too Darn Many
TFS - Three Finger Salute (Ctl-Alt-Del).
TFTHAOT - Thanks For The Help Ahead Of Time
TFTT - Thanks For The Thought
TGAL - Think Globally, Act Locally
THX - Thanks
TIA - Thanks In Advance
TIC - Tongue In Cheek
TINWIS - That Is Not What I Said
TNSTAAFL - There's No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TNTL - Trying Not To Laugh
TNX - Thanks
TNXE6 - Thanks A Million
TOBAL - There Oughta Be A Law.
TOBG - This Oughta Be Good.
TOY - Thinking Of You.
TPTB - The Powers That Be
TRDMC - Tears Running Down My Cheeks.
TS - Totally Stinks
TSR - Totally Stupid Rules.
TTBOMK - To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTFN - Ta Ta For Now
TTKSF - Trying To Keep a Straight Face
TTUL - Talk To You Later
TTTT - To Tell The Truth
TTYAWFN - Talk To You A While From Now.
TTYL - Talk To You Later
TTYT - Talk To You Tomorrow.
TYCLO - Turn Your CAPS LOCK Off (Stop Shouting)
TYVM - Thank You Very Much

UOK - Are You OK?

WAEF - When All Else Fails
WAG - Wild Assed Guess
WB - Welcome Back
WDALYIC - Who died and left you in charge?
WDYMBT - What Do You Mean By That?
WDYT - What Do You Think?
WE - Whatever
WIBAMU - Well, I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle
WIBNI - Wouldn't It Be Nice If
WMMOWS - Wash My Mouth Out With Soap
WNOHGB - Where No One Has Gone Before
WOA - Work Of Art
WOTAM - Waste Of Time And Money
WRT - With Regard To, or With Respect To
WT - Without Thinking
WTB - Want To Buy
WTF - What The F**k?
WTG - Way To Go!
WTGP - Want To Go Private?
WTH - What the hell?
WTN - What then now?
WTN - Who then now?
WTTM - Without Thinking Too Much.
WYGISWYPF - What You Get Is What You Pay For

XOXOXO - Kisses and hugs

YABA - Yet Another Bloody Acronym
YAOTM - Yet Another Off-Topic Message
YAUN - Yet Another Unix Nerd
YBYSA - You Bet Your Sweet A**
YGLT - You're Gonna Love This
YGTI - You Get The Idea?
YGTBK - You've Got To Be Kidding
YGWYPF - You Get What You Pay For
YIU - Yes, I Understand
YIWGP - Yes, I Will Go Private
YKYARW - You Know You're A Redneck When
YKWIM - You know what I mean
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
List of chat room keyboard symbols that can be used to make pictures, smileys, or emoticons

.02 - Your (or my) two cents worth.
2MI - Too much information.
2U2 - To You Too
4COL - For Crying Out Loud
the speaker chuckles
the speaker is frowning
the speaker is grinning
the one writing the message is smiling
the one writing the message is smirking
the one writing the message is winking
[$X$] - No spam !!
JK - Just Kidding
? - I have a question
! - I have a comment

abnormal (%-w)
Abraham Lincoln =):-)=
alienated ( <> .. <> )
angel 0:-)
angel O:-)
angel with glasses O8-)
angry (:-&
angry >:-<
angry :-||
annoyed >:-(
anxious 8-[
anyway <--I-->
aside comment :-Y
ask dumb question <:-)
asleep |-|
asleep |I
astonished :C
astonished :-C
astonished 8-O
atom bomb @==

baby ~:o
back to back ][
bad boy d:- \
bandaid, comfort (::()::)
beatup (in a fight) %+{
black eye ?(
black eye ?-(
black eye (angry) ;-(
blowing a kiss :-{}
bored :|
breasts (boobs) ( o )( o )
brain-dead %-6 clown *<|:-)
clowning :*)
cold (flu) :~)
cold or flu :-~|
confused :~/
confused %-(
cow 3:o
cowboy <):)
crying ;(
crying :,(
crying :.(
crying :\'
crying :\'(
crying :\'-(
crying T_T
curly hair ~:o)

devil ]:->
devil - happy ]:-)
devil - happy >:-)
devilish <:->
devil wink >-)
devil wink >->
mischievous devil >:->
'lil devil >:)
death 8-#
deja vu :-| :-|
disappointed :-e
disappointed :e
donut (o)
dull :|
dunce <:-|
dunce <:-(
drunk %*}
dozen roses 12x@>--->---
egghead (:|
Elvis 5:-)
Elvis ~:-\
Elvis ~:\
exhausted :-6
eyes popping out of head Q_Q

face to face }{
fasten your seatbelt ===[]===
female O+
female >-
flame (inflammatory message) ~==
flame message ~:-(
flame message - hot ~~:-(
french kiss P*
french kiss :Pd:
Frankenstein [:-|
frown :-(
frustrated }: [
funny :-D
funny, not :/)
furious >>:-<<
furious >-<

giggles ^ ^ ^
glass empty \_/
glass full \~/
good grief! |-{
graduate (high-school, college) Q:-)
grin (big) =^D

happy :^D
having a hard time :{
hats off to you d :-o
hear no evil :X
heavy metal music \m/
Homer Simpson ( 8(|)
Homer Simpson ~(8^(0)
hug [], ()
hug - insert name in the brackets
of the one who is being hugged [[ ]], {{ }}
hugs ((()))
hugs and kisses (( )):**
hung over #-)
hung over %-\
high five ^5

indifferent :-|
infinity 8
In Our Humble Opinion IOHO
In My Humble Opinion IMHO
ironic %-}

just died X-(

Kenny-southpark ( ((oo)) )
Kenny (dead) -southpark ( ((xx)) )
kiss *
kiss :*
kiss :-*
kiss (:-*
kiss :-x
kiss :x
kisses =^*
kiss returned :**:
knight +<||-)

laugh (big laugh) |-D
laughing :-D
laughter /\/\/\
licking lips :-9
licking lips :-?
loudmouth :( )

mad >:-<
mad, very mad ~ :-(
male O->
male 8-
male :-
marge simpson @@@@:-)
monk +<:-|
my lips are sealed :-X
my lips are sealed = X
my lips are sealed :-#

no comment {}
no smoking :/i
nun +<:-|

pondering :-I
pig :@)
pope +O:-)
puckered up to kiss |-<>
puckered up to kiss :-><
punk =:-)
putting your money where your mouth is :>$
puzzlement :-k
priest +:-)
propellerhead %(|:-)
punched in the nose :+(

raised eyebrow `:-)
religious leader or person +<:-)
robot [:|]
robot [:]
Ronald Reagan 7:^)
rose @}->--
rose, long-stemmed @>--->---

sad : (
sad (:-\
sad : [
sad (very sad) :-<
salute m:-)
Santa Claus *<:-)
sarcasm :-]
screaming :-@
see no evil m-)
see no evil, hear no evil,
speak no evil m-), :X, :-m
shocked #:-o
shocked 8-o
shot to death *-)
shouting :-V
silly %-)
sleepy |(
sleepy |-(
smile : )
smile (-:
smile, mischievous :-}
smile, one sided :-j
smile, one sided :-l
smile of happiness or sarcasm :->
smile with moustache :-{)
smile with moustache and beard :-{)}
smiley classic :-)
smiley variation (:-)
smiling blockhead :-]
smirk :-,
smoker :-p~
smoker :-d~
smoking :-Q~
snake ~~~~8}
snake ~~~~~8}
snake =====:}
sniffles :-\'|
snoring |^o
snuffed candle (ends a flame message) -=
speak no evil :-m
square head [:-]
sticking out tongue :-f
sticking out tongue :p
sticking out tongue :-p
sticking out tongue :-p
sticking out tongue :-r
surprised = O
surprised :-O

tear :`-(
tear (of happiness) :\'-)
thinking about money $-)
this rocks \m/
to be or not to be 2B|^2B
toilet l,lO
tongue hanging out in disgust, or a smoker :-Q
tongue in cheek -)
tongue in cheek :-J
tongue in cheek :-?
tongue-tied :-&

unhappy :-c
unsmiley :-t
unsmiley (:-
unsmiley (:-(
unsmiling :-[
US Flag **==

wearing a walkman [:-)
weeping ;-(
what?! :-s
what? :>
what? :@
wide-eyed, wears glasses 8)
wide-eyed, wears glasses 8-)
wide-eyed surprised 8-|
wink ; )
wink with a raspberry ; p
winkey ;-)
winking and laughing ;-D
winky \')
winky \'-)
wizard -=#:-)
wizard 8 :-)
wow! 8-]
worked late %-|
wry smile :-i
wry smile }-)
wry face :-/
yawn :-o
yawn |-O
yuck >=^ p yuck! 8-p
This list of chat room smileys and texting shortcuts can be printed out and kept next to you on your desktop as a handy reference for the next time you are in a chat room.

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