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Saturday, February 20, 2010
Fashion Accessories – 2010 Spring Season
Almost everyone is running over the latest fashion to carry on. This race of fashion is not only for teenagers but also for the every age group. No one bears to wear old fashioned clothes and even accessories. By the time everything changes and you have to follow the upcoming fashion accessories. Just as you saw the valentine season, it was full of romantic color schemes which particularly include red, pink and white. And during this season everyone was wearing outfit in those color, not only the outfit accessories was also in the matching colors.
Now the upcoming season is spring. And you must be wandering on how to wear, and what color would be the best during this season. Not only you need dress according to the upcoming spring season but also, the accessories, which includes, necktie, tights, pins, stockings, bow tie, leg warmer, watches, sunglasses, leggings scarves, suspenders, handbags, belts, jewelry, and gloves. So how would you manage all such accessories according to upcoming spring fashion, yes definitely this is the big question to answer.
This year you can do many things for style to look different from others. Contrasting accessories to your outfit would be one of them. As usually people do wear matching jewelry with the dress but now it is up to you, how would you design your contrasting jewelry with the outfit.
The style for your shoes in the upcoming is different from previous one. Now you should buy shoes with long stripes or chains which are also designed with beads and studs. Shoe stoles also in fashion these days so it must be some flip flop style as it is very famous. Also you can find many shoes with animal skin styles such as loin, snakes tiger and etc. so do wear such sort of shoes or sandals.
These days Handbags are inn with the printed labels which can be anything, your name, your favorite stars names, and your horoscope anything which you want. Hobos, clutches and straw handbags are mostly in these days so do prefer to buy such type of bags.
Now the upcoming season is spring. And you must be wandering on how to wear, and what color would be the best during this season. Not only you need dress according to the upcoming spring season but also, the accessories, which includes, necktie, tights, pins, stockings, bow tie, leg warmer, watches, sunglasses, leggings scarves, suspenders, handbags, belts, jewelry, and gloves. So how would you manage all such accessories according to upcoming spring fashion, yes definitely this is the big question to answer.
This year you can do many things for style to look different from others. Contrasting accessories to your outfit would be one of them. As usually people do wear matching jewelry with the dress but now it is up to you, how would you design your contrasting jewelry with the outfit.
The style for your shoes in the upcoming is different from previous one. Now you should buy shoes with long stripes or chains which are also designed with beads and studs. Shoe stoles also in fashion these days so it must be some flip flop style as it is very famous. Also you can find many shoes with animal skin styles such as loin, snakes tiger and etc. so do wear such sort of shoes or sandals.
These days Handbags are inn with the printed labels which can be anything, your name, your favorite stars names, and your horoscope anything which you want. Hobos, clutches and straw handbags are mostly in these days so do prefer to buy such type of bags.
صابن.... چہرے کا محافظ بھی، دشمن بھی
یہ ضروری نہیں کہ صابن آپ کے چہرے کا محافظ ہو اور یہ بھی ضروری نہیں کہ صابن کی کوالٹی کا انحصار اس کی قیمت پر ہو لیکن آپ کو کس طرح معلوم ہو گا کہ کون سان صابن آپ کیلئے مناسب ہے؟ جلد کی حفاظت کا راز اس کی صفائی میں ہے۔ اس لیے جلد سے میل، آلودگی، زائد چکنائی، میک اپ اور پسینے کو صاف کرنے کیلئے دن میں دوبار جلد کی صفائی لازمی ہے۔
صفائی کا راز مذکورہ کثافتوں کو دور کرنے کے عمل میں ہے جلد کی ضروری چکنائی کو اتارنے میں نہیں۔ اپنی جلد کیلئے مناسب صابن آپ کو خود تلاش کرنا ہو گا۔ صابن استعمال کرنے کے بعد ہی پتہ چلے گا کہ آپ کی جلد کا ردعمل کیا ہے؟ آپ کیلئے اچھا صابن وہی ہے جو جلد کو کسی قسم کا نقصان نہ پہنچائے۔
صابن عام طور پر جانوروں کو چربی سے بنایا جاتا ہے۔ چربی کو ابال کر کاسٹک سوڈے سے صاف کیا جاتا ہے اس عمل کی ضمنی مصنوعات گلیسرین اور کھاری نمک ہیں۔ صابن کی ابتدائی صورت چکنی، چھوٹی سویوں کی مانند ہوتی ہے۔ اس لیے عام طور پر انہیں سویاں یا سوپ کے نام سے یاد کیا جاتا ہے۔
صابن تیار کرنیوالی بڑی کمپنیاں صابن کو بہتر صورت میں ڈھالتی ہیں۔ صابن کی سویاں تیار کرنیوالی چند کمپنیاں صابن کو بہتر صورت میں ڈھالنے والی کمپنیوں کی مانگ کو پورا کرتی ہیں۔ یہ کمپنیاں ان سویوں کو ایسی ٹکیوں میں تبدیل کر دیتی ہیں جنہیں ہم دکانوں سے خرید کر استعمال کرتے ہیں۔
صابن کو مختلف معیار کی بنیادی سویوں سے تیار کیا جاتا ہے لیکن بہترین معیار کا صابن کیمیاوی طریقے سے سفید کیا جاتا ہے اس کی سطح یکساں ہوتی ہے اور یہ بہترین صورت میں ڈھلا ہو تا ہے۔ ماہرین کا خیال ہے کہ اچھے صابن کو بنانے کیلئے بہترین قسم کے صابن کی سویاں استعمال کرنی چاہئیں۔ غیر معیاری صابن کی مہک ناگوار ہوتی ہے اس میں کوئی شک نہیں کیونکہ صابن جانوروں کی چربی سے تیار ہوتا ہے کم قیمت اور غیر معیاری صابن کی اس ناگوار مہک کو چھپانے کیلئے کمپنیاں جو خوشبوں استعمال کرتی ہیں ان سے الرجی پیدا ہوتی ہے گھٹیا صابن سے اکثر حساس جلد متاثر ہو جاتی ہے۔
صابن بنانا ایک آسان عمل سمجھا جاتا ہے لیکن اس میں شامل خصوصی اجزاءکو پوشیدہ رکھا جاتا ہے اس کی وجہ یہ ہے کہ صابن بنانے والا ہر شخص بہترین صابن کو مارکیٹ میں لانے کی تگ و دو میں مصروف ہے یعنی ایسا صابن جو نرم و لطیف جھاگ پیدا کرے خوشبو دار ہو۔ جلد کو نرم و ملائم بنائے اور دیر تک باقی رہے۔ گھل کر ضائع نہ ہو اور نہ ہی صابن تیار کرنیوالی ایک مشہور کمپنی کے ماہر کا کہنا ہے کہ صابن بنانا ایسا ہی ہے جیسے کھانا پکانا۔ صابن بنانے کیلئے بہترین قسم کے اجزاءکی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ مشہور مثل ہے کہ جتنا گڑ ڈالو گے، اتنا ہی میٹھا ہو گا۔
موم اور بادام کا تیل چکنے اجزاءکے طور پر استعمال کئے جاتے ہیں۔ صابن کو استعمال کرنے کے بعد جلد پر سکن ٹونر اور موسچرائزر لگانا ضروری ہے۔ ظاہر ہے آپ جو صابن استعمال کریں گی وہ آپ کی ذاتی پسند کا انتخاب ہو گا۔ ایک ماہر جلد کا کہنا ہے کہ صابن کے استعمال کے بعد جلد اتنی ہوئی اور کسی ہوئی محسوس ہو تو اس کا مطلب ہے کہ صابن آپ کی جلد کیلئے حد درجہ خشک ہے۔
اچھا صابن وہ ہے جو نہ خشک ہو اور نہ ہی چکنا ہو۔ اسے چھو کر اس کی لطافت اور ملائمت کا احساس ہو ۔ یہ کلیہ قطعی طور پر ایسے صابن پر پورا نہیں اترتا ہے جن میں کچھ گھٹیا اجزا شامل کئے جاتے ہیں۔ مثلاً غیر معیاری صابن کھردرا ہوتا ہے اچھا صابن بہت سارا جھاگ بناتا ہے اگر آپ کو زیادہ جھاگ بنانے والے صابن کو دیر تک ہاتھوں پر ملتا پڑے تو اس سے ہاتھوں کی جلد خشک ہونے کا امکان ہے ایک اچھا صابن خشک ہونے کے بعد اپنی اصلی حالت میں رہتا ہے پھٹتا اور چٹختا نہیں ہے اور نہ ہی نرم ہو کر حلوہ بنتا ہے اس کے علاوہ ہاتھوں اور بیسن پر بھی نہیں چپکتا۔ واٹر پروف مسکار اور آنکھوں کے شدید قسم کے میک اپ کو صاف کرنے کیلئے ہمیشہ میک اپ ریموور استعمال کریں۔ اس مقصد کیلئے کوئی نائٹ کریم یا کلینزنگ ملک استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے پھر ایک دوبار چہرے پر نیم گرم پانی کے چھینٹے ماریں اس کیلئے آپ کے ہاتھ یقینی طور پر صاف ہونے چاہئیں۔ پھر اپنے ہاتھوں میں صابن کے نرم و لطیف جھاگ بنائیں اپنی ٹھوڑی، ناک، پیشانی، بیرونی رخساروں اور ٹھوری کے نیچے ہاتھوں کو دائرے کی شکل میں حرکت دیتے ہوئیے یہ جھاگ نرمی سے لگائیں۔
اگر آپ ایسے علاقے میں رہتی ہیں جہاں پانی بھاری ہے تو آپ کو صابن کے کم جھاگ پر اکتفا کرتا پڑیگا۔ یہ بات یاد رکھیں کہ وہ صابن بھی جو یہ دعویٰ کرتے ہیں کہ ان میں لینولن اور موسچرائز شامل ہے وہ زیادہ مفید نہیں ہوتے کیونکہ آپ اپنا چہرہ دھوتی ہیں تو اس کے ساتھ خصوصی اجزاءبھی دھل جاتے ہیں۔ دن میں کم از کم چار دفعہ عمدہ صابن سے چہرے دھویا جائے تو جلد صاف و شفاف رہتی ہے
صفائی کا راز مذکورہ کثافتوں کو دور کرنے کے عمل میں ہے جلد کی ضروری چکنائی کو اتارنے میں نہیں۔ اپنی جلد کیلئے مناسب صابن آپ کو خود تلاش کرنا ہو گا۔ صابن استعمال کرنے کے بعد ہی پتہ چلے گا کہ آپ کی جلد کا ردعمل کیا ہے؟ آپ کیلئے اچھا صابن وہی ہے جو جلد کو کسی قسم کا نقصان نہ پہنچائے۔
صابن عام طور پر جانوروں کو چربی سے بنایا جاتا ہے۔ چربی کو ابال کر کاسٹک سوڈے سے صاف کیا جاتا ہے اس عمل کی ضمنی مصنوعات گلیسرین اور کھاری نمک ہیں۔ صابن کی ابتدائی صورت چکنی، چھوٹی سویوں کی مانند ہوتی ہے۔ اس لیے عام طور پر انہیں سویاں یا سوپ کے نام سے یاد کیا جاتا ہے۔
صابن تیار کرنیوالی بڑی کمپنیاں صابن کو بہتر صورت میں ڈھالتی ہیں۔ صابن کی سویاں تیار کرنیوالی چند کمپنیاں صابن کو بہتر صورت میں ڈھالنے والی کمپنیوں کی مانگ کو پورا کرتی ہیں۔ یہ کمپنیاں ان سویوں کو ایسی ٹکیوں میں تبدیل کر دیتی ہیں جنہیں ہم دکانوں سے خرید کر استعمال کرتے ہیں۔
صابن کو مختلف معیار کی بنیادی سویوں سے تیار کیا جاتا ہے لیکن بہترین معیار کا صابن کیمیاوی طریقے سے سفید کیا جاتا ہے اس کی سطح یکساں ہوتی ہے اور یہ بہترین صورت میں ڈھلا ہو تا ہے۔ ماہرین کا خیال ہے کہ اچھے صابن کو بنانے کیلئے بہترین قسم کے صابن کی سویاں استعمال کرنی چاہئیں۔ غیر معیاری صابن کی مہک ناگوار ہوتی ہے اس میں کوئی شک نہیں کیونکہ صابن جانوروں کی چربی سے تیار ہوتا ہے کم قیمت اور غیر معیاری صابن کی اس ناگوار مہک کو چھپانے کیلئے کمپنیاں جو خوشبوں استعمال کرتی ہیں ان سے الرجی پیدا ہوتی ہے گھٹیا صابن سے اکثر حساس جلد متاثر ہو جاتی ہے۔
صابن بنانا ایک آسان عمل سمجھا جاتا ہے لیکن اس میں شامل خصوصی اجزاءکو پوشیدہ رکھا جاتا ہے اس کی وجہ یہ ہے کہ صابن بنانے والا ہر شخص بہترین صابن کو مارکیٹ میں لانے کی تگ و دو میں مصروف ہے یعنی ایسا صابن جو نرم و لطیف جھاگ پیدا کرے خوشبو دار ہو۔ جلد کو نرم و ملائم بنائے اور دیر تک باقی رہے۔ گھل کر ضائع نہ ہو اور نہ ہی صابن تیار کرنیوالی ایک مشہور کمپنی کے ماہر کا کہنا ہے کہ صابن بنانا ایسا ہی ہے جیسے کھانا پکانا۔ صابن بنانے کیلئے بہترین قسم کے اجزاءکی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ مشہور مثل ہے کہ جتنا گڑ ڈالو گے، اتنا ہی میٹھا ہو گا۔
موم اور بادام کا تیل چکنے اجزاءکے طور پر استعمال کئے جاتے ہیں۔ صابن کو استعمال کرنے کے بعد جلد پر سکن ٹونر اور موسچرائزر لگانا ضروری ہے۔ ظاہر ہے آپ جو صابن استعمال کریں گی وہ آپ کی ذاتی پسند کا انتخاب ہو گا۔ ایک ماہر جلد کا کہنا ہے کہ صابن کے استعمال کے بعد جلد اتنی ہوئی اور کسی ہوئی محسوس ہو تو اس کا مطلب ہے کہ صابن آپ کی جلد کیلئے حد درجہ خشک ہے۔
اچھا صابن وہ ہے جو نہ خشک ہو اور نہ ہی چکنا ہو۔ اسے چھو کر اس کی لطافت اور ملائمت کا احساس ہو ۔ یہ کلیہ قطعی طور پر ایسے صابن پر پورا نہیں اترتا ہے جن میں کچھ گھٹیا اجزا شامل کئے جاتے ہیں۔ مثلاً غیر معیاری صابن کھردرا ہوتا ہے اچھا صابن بہت سارا جھاگ بناتا ہے اگر آپ کو زیادہ جھاگ بنانے والے صابن کو دیر تک ہاتھوں پر ملتا پڑے تو اس سے ہاتھوں کی جلد خشک ہونے کا امکان ہے ایک اچھا صابن خشک ہونے کے بعد اپنی اصلی حالت میں رہتا ہے پھٹتا اور چٹختا نہیں ہے اور نہ ہی نرم ہو کر حلوہ بنتا ہے اس کے علاوہ ہاتھوں اور بیسن پر بھی نہیں چپکتا۔ واٹر پروف مسکار اور آنکھوں کے شدید قسم کے میک اپ کو صاف کرنے کیلئے ہمیشہ میک اپ ریموور استعمال کریں۔ اس مقصد کیلئے کوئی نائٹ کریم یا کلینزنگ ملک استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے پھر ایک دوبار چہرے پر نیم گرم پانی کے چھینٹے ماریں اس کیلئے آپ کے ہاتھ یقینی طور پر صاف ہونے چاہئیں۔ پھر اپنے ہاتھوں میں صابن کے نرم و لطیف جھاگ بنائیں اپنی ٹھوڑی، ناک، پیشانی، بیرونی رخساروں اور ٹھوری کے نیچے ہاتھوں کو دائرے کی شکل میں حرکت دیتے ہوئیے یہ جھاگ نرمی سے لگائیں۔
اگر آپ ایسے علاقے میں رہتی ہیں جہاں پانی بھاری ہے تو آپ کو صابن کے کم جھاگ پر اکتفا کرتا پڑیگا۔ یہ بات یاد رکھیں کہ وہ صابن بھی جو یہ دعویٰ کرتے ہیں کہ ان میں لینولن اور موسچرائز شامل ہے وہ زیادہ مفید نہیں ہوتے کیونکہ آپ اپنا چہرہ دھوتی ہیں تو اس کے ساتھ خصوصی اجزاءبھی دھل جاتے ہیں۔ دن میں کم از کم چار دفعہ عمدہ صابن سے چہرے دھویا جائے تو جلد صاف و شفاف رہتی ہے
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Pakistani Fashion Salwar Kameez and Kurtis are all the way comfortable yet elegant and easy to wear. Designer Kurtis, Salwar Kameez are the latest trend in Pakistani fashion, some are embellished with gorgeous embroidery work in pleasing designs, they manage to look smart enough to be worn for casual family gatherings, or even for a wedding ceremony. Nowadays designs are created keeping in mind the trends fabrics and colors of the season by fashion designers and manufacturers of ladies garments.
Salwar Kameez
Salwar Kameez is the most popular traditional attire worn by the women in Pakistan. It is called the Punjabi Suit or Salwar Suit also. This popular Pakistan Dress evolved as a comfortable and respectable garment for women in Pakistan, but is now immensely popular in all over the world. There are many reasons wear Salwar Kameez such as it is modest, great value, elegant, graceful and the bottom line is that it is comfortable. Salwar Kameez gives decent yet stylish look to a teenager as well as a woman. Designer Salwar Kameez or Churidar look smart for casual family gatherings or even for a wedding ceremony.
The Salwar is a baggy pajama type of trouser, which has legs wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The Kameez is a long top or tunic, which often reaches up to the knees. The length of the Kameez can vary depending on the latest fashion in style. The Salwar is stitched very differently. It has pleats at the waist and is held up by a drawstring or an elastic belt. The middle portion of a Salwar is very wide and baggy, but it gradually tapers down around the ankle. Another variation in Salwar is the Churidar style which is a somewhat like a tight trouser, but with its fabric ending in various small folds around the ankles. Usually Pakistan women also wear a dupatta across their shoulders, over the Salwar Kameez as a symbol of modesty.
Pakistani Fashion Kurti is very much in fashion these days. Kurti is just a women’s top. Girls nowadays wear Kurti over jeans, Salwar, Pant, Capri and even a skirt. Pakistani Kurtis are accepted worldwide. Kurtis (Tunic/Top) look decent and sincere, versatile and stylish, trendy yet modest. Pakistani Kurtis will lend grace to any woman’s wardrobe. The Kurti is the ideal year around wear. Embroidered Kurti, Designer Kurtis, Printed Kurti, Cotton Kurtas, Lenin Kurtis, Georjette Kurti, Long Kurtis, Short Kurtis, Traditional Kurti, Ethnic Kurtis and Fashion Kurtis are the variants of Indian Kurtis. A Kurti surely give attractive and decent look to a woman body structure.Salwar Kameez
Salwar Kameez is the most popular traditional attire worn by the women in Pakistan. It is called the Punjabi Suit or Salwar Suit also. This popular Pakistan Dress evolved as a comfortable and respectable garment for women in Pakistan, but is now immensely popular in all over the world. There are many reasons wear Salwar Kameez such as it is modest, great value, elegant, graceful and the bottom line is that it is comfortable. Salwar Kameez gives decent yet stylish look to a teenager as well as a woman. Designer Salwar Kameez or Churidar look smart for casual family gatherings or even for a wedding ceremony.
The Salwar is a baggy pajama type of trouser, which has legs wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The Kameez is a long top or tunic, which often reaches up to the knees. The length of the Kameez can vary depending on the latest fashion in style. The Salwar is stitched very differently. It has pleats at the waist and is held up by a drawstring or an elastic belt. The middle portion of a Salwar is very wide and baggy, but it gradually tapers down around the ankle. Another variation in Salwar is the Churidar style which is a somewhat like a tight trouser, but with its fabric ending in various small folds around the ankles. Usually Pakistan women also wear a dupatta across their shoulders, over the Salwar Kameez as a symbol of modesty.
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Input Formats:
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Output Formats:
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Facebook Layout
Facebook has a clean blue and white appearance, and this is uniform for everyone. Or is it?
Facebook, at first glance, doesn’t seem to allow users to change the appearance of their profile page the same way you can with many other social networking sites such as MySpace and Friendster. And perhaps this is justified. In MySpace, you can paste HTML codes to change the background, text color, and layout of your personal page. As a result, it is not uncommon to chance upon a gaudy and poorly designed personal blog, MySpace, or Friendster page.
However, plug-ins now exist which do allow you to change the general appearance of your Facebook page. This works by adding a ‘layer’ or ‘skin’ over your Facebook page.
A few examples that offer Facebook layouts are:
The important thing to note here is that you need Yontoo Layers in order to view the layouts. This is available as a separate (533kb) download to your computer and will require you to run the installer and install it as you would any regular program. This is annoying because your friends need to have Yontoo Layers installed as well in order for them to view the layouts that you have chosen or created.
So if you are interested in changing your Facebook page layout, give it a shot. You won’t know how many of your friends have already installed Yontoo/ customized layouts without installing it yourself first, though you might have some idea from your friends’ newsfeeds – look out for news of people installing Facebook Expressions or Styles Layout (or any such similar applications).
Because Facebook layouts install a layer over the existing standard template, you can also go the other way and avoid installing Yontoo Layers, which would ensure you always see the reassuring simplicity of the standard Facebook page.
The next best thing to a Facebook Layout, Facebook Layouts, a Facebook Wallpaper
, or Facebook Background for your profile, is Styles. FB Styles allows you ...
Facebook, at first glance, doesn’t seem to allow users to change the appearance of their profile page the same way you can with many other social networking sites such as MySpace and Friendster. And perhaps this is justified. In MySpace, you can paste HTML codes to change the background, text color, and layout of your personal page. As a result, it is not uncommon to chance upon a gaudy and poorly designed personal blog, MySpace, or Friendster page.
However, plug-ins now exist which do allow you to change the general appearance of your Facebook page. This works by adding a ‘layer’ or ‘skin’ over your Facebook page.
A few examples that offer Facebook layouts are:
- Facebook Expressions
- FB Styles Layout
- Page Rage
The important thing to note here is that you need Yontoo Layers in order to view the layouts. This is available as a separate (533kb) download to your computer and will require you to run the installer and install it as you would any regular program. This is annoying because your friends need to have Yontoo Layers installed as well in order for them to view the layouts that you have chosen or created.
So if you are interested in changing your Facebook page layout, give it a shot. You won’t know how many of your friends have already installed Yontoo/ customized layouts without installing it yourself first, though you might have some idea from your friends’ newsfeeds – look out for news of people installing Facebook Expressions or Styles Layout (or any such similar applications).
Because Facebook layouts install a layer over the existing standard template, you can also go the other way and avoid installing Yontoo Layers, which would ensure you always see the reassuring simplicity of the standard Facebook page.
The next best thing to a Facebook Layout, Facebook Layouts, a Facebook Wallpaper
Facebook Zero
“Zero” is a light-weight version of that omits data intensive applications like Photos. It will launch in coming weeks and we are discussing it at MWC as an option to make Facebook on the mobile web available to everyone, anywhere and allow operators to encourage more mobile Internet usage.
At the Mobile World Congress 2010, Facebook’s Chamath Palihapitiya just finished a 20-minute keynote, outlining the social networking juggernaut’s mobile strategy. We’ll have a video of the full presentation up soon.
There were no major announcements, but Palihapitiya did introduce something interesting that hasn’t been publicly announced yet: Facebook Zero.
When you visit the URL using your mobile’s browser, you’ll see a notice that your carrier does not yet support the service – obviously because it was just launched and operators have yet to sign up.
Palihapitiya only touched on it for a couple of seconds, but from what I gathered it’s basically a text-only version of the Facebook service that carriers can offer to their subscribers at no charge. If a user then decides to switch from text-only to multimedia (e.g. view photos from their friends), mobile operators can start charging them for ‘premium’ data service.
This system is apparently called zero-rated pages, and allows operators to use a trimmed down version of a web application as a sort of teaser, driving the adoption of certain mobile services or apps, and more data usage revenue down the line.
Presumably, Facebook will offer Facebook Zero to carriers for free, since it helps them make the social network as ubiquitous on mobile phones as possible.
We have an e-mail in with Facebook PR for more information.
Update: Facebook spokesperson Brandee Barker writes back:
At the Mobile World Congress 2010, Facebook’s Chamath Palihapitiya just finished a 20-minute keynote, outlining the social networking juggernaut’s mobile strategy. We’ll have a video of the full presentation up soon.
There were no major announcements, but Palihapitiya did introduce something interesting that hasn’t been publicly announced yet: Facebook Zero.
When you visit the URL using your mobile’s browser, you’ll see a notice that your carrier does not yet support the service – obviously because it was just launched and operators have yet to sign up.
Palihapitiya only touched on it for a couple of seconds, but from what I gathered it’s basically a text-only version of the Facebook service that carriers can offer to their subscribers at no charge. If a user then decides to switch from text-only to multimedia (e.g. view photos from their friends), mobile operators can start charging them for ‘premium’ data service.
This system is apparently called zero-rated pages, and allows operators to use a trimmed down version of a web application as a sort of teaser, driving the adoption of certain mobile services or apps, and more data usage revenue down the line.
Presumably, Facebook will offer Facebook Zero to carriers for free, since it helps them make the social network as ubiquitous on mobile phones as possible.
We have an e-mail in with Facebook PR for more information.
Update: Facebook spokesperson Brandee Barker writes back:
“Zero” is a light-weight version of that omits data intensive applications like Photos. It will launch in coming weeks and we are discussing it at MWC as an option to make Facebook on the mobile web available to everyone, anywhere and allow operators to encourage more mobile Internet usage.
Facebook Touch
Facebook introduces touch-friendly sub-site
Facebook has introduced, a sub-domain that you can go to if you have a touch-display interface. At first, it seems like something that could be useful for mobile phones that don't have a Facebook app yet, but I think that would work great with smart photo-frames or even small touch-netbooks/smartbooks/MIDs. Facebook Platform
Facebook announced the deployment of the Facebook Platform during the f8 conference on May 24, 2007. Facebook initially included 85 applications in the deployment. The platform and its apps became an instant hit. For example, the photo editing application Picnik added 100,000 users in the first 3 days. Meanwhile, hundreds of developers rushed to create Facebook apps for the masses of Facebook users. The most popular apps included iLike, TopFriends, and Graffiti. Users learned about new apps on their News Feeds which published stories when friends added apps. Many applications saw such fast and unexpected growth that their servers died out. Another advantage for developers was that they could place ads on their Facebook application and collect all of the money earned.
While all numbers indicate that the Facebook Platform has been a huge hit, there has also been some criticism. With time, many began to criticize Facebook’s platform for having too many frivolous apps. Some doubted whether it was such a great distribution tool after all. As of October 2007 there were over 6500 applications, but only the top 3 apps, TopFriends, FunWall, and Super Wall have over 1,000,000 active users, and only 58 apps have over 100,000 users. Additionally, 6 of the top 10 are created by Slide and RockYou. Another criticism was that many apps were abusing the platform through tricky spamming methods. Facebook has begun to close up some of these holes. A couple other criticisms of the platform were scalability issues and that developers must use the Facebook Markup Language (FBML) for the front end design, as opposed to the ubiquitous HTML.
While all numbers indicate that the Facebook Platform has been a huge hit, there has also been some criticism. With time, many began to criticize Facebook’s platform for having too many frivolous apps. Some doubted whether it was such a great distribution tool after all. As of October 2007 there were over 6500 applications, but only the top 3 apps, TopFriends, FunWall, and Super Wall have over 1,000,000 active users, and only 58 apps have over 100,000 users. Additionally, 6 of the top 10 are created by Slide and RockYou. Another criticism was that many apps were abusing the platform through tricky spamming methods. Facebook has begun to close up some of these holes. A couple other criticisms of the platform were scalability issues and that developers must use the Facebook Markup Language (FBML) for the front end design, as opposed to the ubiquitous HTML.
Facebook News Feed
Facebook’s most controversial feature launch was the News Feed, a bulletin on users’ home pages that automatically broadcasts their friends’ most important activities. Days after the feature debuted on September 5, 2006, hundreds of thousands of Facebook users created groups protesting the News Feed because they felt it was displaying their information without permission. Ironically, all information on Facebook was entered manually by users and available for only their friends to see, but many felt there was a certain “stalker” element to the News Feed. As many bloggers began decrying that Facebook’s decision would lead to their demise, news crews camped outside the Facebook offices eager to see what would happen next.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg ultimately wrote a personal letter to all users indicating that Facebook would be adding privacy settings. Since then, News Feed has been an incredible success, with page views skyrocketing since its introduction. The entire fiasco could be viewed as a success, garnering Facebook an incredible amount of press and showing the power of social networks to galvanize support for a cause. Ironically, in this case, the cause was for the removal of a Facebook feature.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg ultimately wrote a personal letter to all users indicating that Facebook would be adding privacy settings. Since then, News Feed has been an incredible success, with page views skyrocketing since its introduction. The entire fiasco could be viewed as a success, garnering Facebook an incredible amount of press and showing the power of social networks to galvanize support for a cause. Ironically, in this case, the cause was for the removal of a Facebook feature.
Facebook Mobile
Facebook’s Mobile app allows you to use Facebook Chat, and check your latest photos and status updates.
Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.
Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life.
Facebook Lite
Now you can set Facebook Lite as your default Facebook experience so it appears when you go to Check out the new "Default Site" options on your Settings page: tsite/
Facebook Connect
Facebook Connect allow users to “connect” their Facebook identity, friends and, privacy to any website. Facebook Connect has four primary features:
Trusted Authentication – Anywhere during the user’s experience that the developer would like to add social context, the user will be able to authenticate and connect their account in a trusted environment. The user will have total control of the permissions granted. This is a proprietary authentication mechanism, but is more streamlined than the existing method and will not require a redirect back to Facebook.
Real Identity – Users can bring their real identity information with them wherever they go on the open Web, including: basic profile information, profile picture, name, friends, photos, events, groups, and more.
Friends Access – Users will be able to take their friends with them wherever they go on the open Web. Developers will be able to add rich social context to their websites, and will be able to show which of their Facebook friends already have accounts on their sites.
Dynamic Privacy – As a user moves around the open Web, their privacy settings will follow, ensuring that users’ information and privacy rules are always up-to-date.
Facebook Connect is Facebook’s first honest attempt to allow access to Facebook user data outside of Facebook itself. The company is describing it as giving third party applications access to much of the same data as Facebook applications have today.
Trusted Authentication – Anywhere during the user’s experience that the developer would like to add social context, the user will be able to authenticate and connect their account in a trusted environment. The user will have total control of the permissions granted. This is a proprietary authentication mechanism, but is more streamlined than the existing method and will not require a redirect back to Facebook.
Real Identity – Users can bring their real identity information with them wherever they go on the open Web, including: basic profile information, profile picture, name, friends, photos, events, groups, and more.
Friends Access – Users will be able to take their friends with them wherever they go on the open Web. Developers will be able to add rich social context to their websites, and will be able to show which of their Facebook friends already have accounts on their sites.
Dynamic Privacy – As a user moves around the open Web, their privacy settings will follow, ensuring that users’ information and privacy rules are always up-to-date.
Facebook Connect is Facebook’s first honest attempt to allow access to Facebook user data outside of Facebook itself. The company is describing it as giving third party applications access to much of the same data as Facebook applications have today.
Above: Facebook Connect Screenshot -- #2Facebook Chat
Facebook Chat is a service which provides a new way to communicate with your friends real-time. Chat allows more immediacy than The Wall and Inbox the other ways of keeping up with friends. No installation or assembly is required. The messages are delivered and displayed to your friend as soon as they are sent. You can also collapse conversations to get them out of the way and go offline if you do not want to use chat at all.
Now Facebook has added a new feature that may make it even more difficult to turn it off. They now have embedded chat features so you can instantly talk to your Facebook friends that are online.
To some degree it’s not a big deal for me because I’m always logged into all my chat clients (Live Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Y! Messenger) at once with Trillian. That along with keeping a Gmail tab open continuously lets me pretty much contact anyone that’s online at any time anyway.
However, for those people not as immersed in instant messaging applications already, this is a great new feature!
For people like me though, the next question is when there will be an application that allows me to combine all my chat clients (Live Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Y! Messenger, Google Talk, Skype, and now Facebook) all into one location and buddy list manager. That my friends would be the ultimate!!!!
Embedded Chat Now in Facebook
Facebook is one of those websites I’ve been trying to manage my time on lately. Between Facebook and Twitter, there’s a battle for which one will remain open the longest on my screen.Now Facebook has added a new feature that may make it even more difficult to turn it off. They now have embedded chat features so you can instantly talk to your Facebook friends that are online.
To some degree it’s not a big deal for me because I’m always logged into all my chat clients (Live Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Y! Messenger) at once with Trillian. That along with keeping a Gmail tab open continuously lets me pretty much contact anyone that’s online at any time anyway.
However, for those people not as immersed in instant messaging applications already, this is a great new feature!
For people like me though, the next question is when there will be an application that allows me to combine all my chat clients (Live Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Y! Messenger, Google Talk, Skype, and now Facebook) all into one location and buddy list manager. That my friends would be the ultimate!!!!
11 Percent of US Online Adults Use Twitter or Similar Service
11 percent of online US adults use Twitter or similar status updates, according to the Pew Internet and American Life Project. (pdf)
The 11 percent in December 2008 nearly double’s the total of a half year before, as only 6 percent had sent a Twitter-like communiqué in May of Last year. In fact, the percentage of people sending status updates grew 2 percent between November and December alone.
As expected, status updates are most used by younger users. 19 percent of those in the 18-24 group have used Twitter or a similar service, and 20 percent of those in the 25 to 34 group have.
This is a much different world than the one last year, in which Zappo’s Tony Hsieh was told by a group of students at Indiana University (my alma mater – Go Big Red!), that Twitter “was only for old people.”
Old people, in fact, are much less likely to use Twitter than those young Hoosiers reported. Only half of 35 to 44-year-olds, 10 percent, are as likely to tweet as the group immediately younger than them.
And again that percentage is halved as age increases: 5 percent of those between 45 and 54 send status updates, 4 percent of those between 55-64 tweet, and only 2 percent of those 65 and older share their day’s minutiae via social networks (that’s why they have grandchildren).
Pew does note, though, the average Twitter user is older than users of other social networks. The median Twitter age is 31, while MySpace is 27, and Facebook, 26.
Interestingly, people in lower income categories are more likely to tweet than those in the higher. Pew attributes this to the dramatic age difference, which makes sense.
Wireless users are more than twice as likely than non-wireless users to send status updates (14 percent to 6), indicating that tweeters are most likely to be mobile users, whether on laptops or hand-held devices. Pew notes that Twitter users are more likely to access other Web services with their phones.
23 percent of people who used other social networking tools also use Twitter, while only 4 percent of people who do not use other social networks tweet. 27 percent of bloggers tweet, as compared to the 10 percent of non-bloggers who do.
Twitter users are also more urban: 35 percent live in urban areas, a much bigger spread than the 9 percent of rural tweeters (not including, of course, the birds. Ha!)
The 11 percent in December 2008 nearly double’s the total of a half year before, as only 6 percent had sent a Twitter-like communiqué in May of Last year. In fact, the percentage of people sending status updates grew 2 percent between November and December alone.
As expected, status updates are most used by younger users. 19 percent of those in the 18-24 group have used Twitter or a similar service, and 20 percent of those in the 25 to 34 group have.
This is a much different world than the one last year, in which Zappo’s Tony Hsieh was told by a group of students at Indiana University (my alma mater – Go Big Red!), that Twitter “was only for old people.”
Old people, in fact, are much less likely to use Twitter than those young Hoosiers reported. Only half of 35 to 44-year-olds, 10 percent, are as likely to tweet as the group immediately younger than them.
And again that percentage is halved as age increases: 5 percent of those between 45 and 54 send status updates, 4 percent of those between 55-64 tweet, and only 2 percent of those 65 and older share their day’s minutiae via social networks (that’s why they have grandchildren).
Pew does note, though, the average Twitter user is older than users of other social networks. The median Twitter age is 31, while MySpace is 27, and Facebook, 26.
Interestingly, people in lower income categories are more likely to tweet than those in the higher. Pew attributes this to the dramatic age difference, which makes sense.
Wireless users are more than twice as likely than non-wireless users to send status updates (14 percent to 6), indicating that tweeters are most likely to be mobile users, whether on laptops or hand-held devices. Pew notes that Twitter users are more likely to access other Web services with their phones.
23 percent of people who used other social networking tools also use Twitter, while only 4 percent of people who do not use other social networks tweet. 27 percent of bloggers tweet, as compared to the 10 percent of non-bloggers who do.
Twitter users are also more urban: 35 percent live in urban areas, a much bigger spread than the 9 percent of rural tweeters (not including, of course, the birds. Ha!)
Facebook is the world largest social network
Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with over 400 million users.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students. It was a huge hit: in 2 weeks, half of the schools in the Boston area began demanding a Facebook network. Zuckerberg immediately recruited his friends Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes to help build Facebook, and within four months, Facebook added 30 more college networks.
The original idea for the term Facebook came from Zuckerberg’s high school (Phillips Exeter Academy). The Exeter Face Book was passed around to every student as a way for students to get to know their classmates for the following year. It was a physical paper book until Zuckerberg brought it to the internet.
With this success, Zuckerberg, Moskowitz and Hughes moved out to Palo Alto for the summer and rented a sublet. A few weeks later, Zuckerberg ran into the former cofounder of Napster, Sean Parker. Parker soon moved in to Zuckerberg’s apartment and they began working together. Parker provided the introduction to their first investor, Peter Thiel, cofounder of PayPal and managing partner of The Founders Fund. Thiel invested $500,000 into Facebook.
With millions more users, Friendster attempted to acquire the company for $10 million in mid 2004. Facebook turned down the offer and subsequently received $12.7 million in funding from Accel Partners, at a valuation of around $100 million. Facebook continued to grow, opening up to high school students in September 2005 and adding an immensely popular photo sharing feature the next month. The next spring, Facebook received $25 million in funding from Greylock Partners and Meritech Capital, as well as previous investors Accel Partners and Peter Thiel. The pre-money valuation for this deal was about $525 million. Facebook subsequently opened up to work networks, eventually amassing over 20,000 work networks. Finally in September 2006, Facebook opened to anyone with an email address.
In the summer of 2006, Yahoo attempted to acquire the company for $1 billion dollars. Reports actually indicated that Zuckerberg made a verbal agreement to sell Facebook to Yahoo. A few days later when Yahoo’s stock price took a dive, the offer was lowered to $800 million and Zuckerberg walked away from the deal. Yahoo later offered $1 billion again, this time Zuckerberg turned Yahoo down and earned instant notoriety as the “kid” who turned down a billion. This was not the first time Zuckerberg turned down an acquisition offer; Viacom had previously unsuccessfully attempted to acquire the company for $750 million in March, 2006.
One sour note for Facebook has been the controversy with social network ConnectU. The founders of ConnectU, former classmates of Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard, allege that Zuckerberg stole their original source code for Facebook. The ordeal has gone to court, and has now been resolved.
Notwithstanding this lingering controversy, Facebook’s growth in the fall of 2007 was staggering. Over 1 million new users signed up every week, 200,000 daily, totaling over 50 million active users. Facebook received 40 billion page views a month. Long gone were the days of Facebook as a social network for college students. 11% of users are over the age of 35, and the fastest growing demographic is users over 30. Facebook has also seen huge growth internationally; 15% of the user base is in Canada. Facebook users’ passion, or addiction, to the site is unparalleled: more than half use the product every single day and users spend an average of 19 minutes a day on Facebook. Facebook is 6th most trafficked site in the US and top photo sharing site with 4.1 billion photos uploaded.
Based on these types of numbers, Microsoft invested $240 million into Facebook for 1.6 percent of the company in October 2007. This meant a valuation of over $15 billion, making Facebook the 5th most valuable US Internet company, yet with only $150 million in annual revenue. Many explained Microsoft’s decision as being solely driven by the desire to outbid Google.
Facebook’s competitors include MySpace, Bebo, Friendster, LinkedIn, Tagged, Hi5, Piczo, and Open Social.
Above: Robert Scoble’s video from
Added: 8/5/08
Added: 8/5/08
Above: This video was originally published on Beet.TV
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Added: 8/5/08
Above: This video was originally published on Beet.TV
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Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with over 400 million users.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students. It was a huge hit: in 2 weeks, half of the schools in the Boston area began demanding a Facebook network. Zuckerberg immediately recruited his friends Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes to help build Facebook, and within four months, Facebook added 30 more college networks.
The original idea for the term Facebook came from Zuckerberg’s high school (Phillips Exeter Academy). The Exeter Face Book was passed around to every student as a way for students to get to know their classmates for the following year. It was a physical paper book until Zuckerberg brought it to the internet.
With this success, Zuckerberg, Moskowitz and Hughes moved out to Palo Alto for the summer and rented a sublet. A few weeks later, Zuckerberg ran into the former cofounder of Napster, Sean Parker. Parker soon moved in to Zuckerberg’s apartment and they began working together. Parker provided the introduction to their first investor, Peter Thiel, cofounder of PayPal and managing partner of The Founders Fund. Thiel invested $500,000 into Facebook.
With millions more users, Friendster attempted to acquire the company for $10 million in mid 2004. Facebook turned down the offer and subsequently received $12.7 million in funding from Accel Partners, at a valuation of around $100 million. Facebook continued to grow, opening up to high school students in September 2005 and adding an immensely popular photo sharing feature the next month. The next spring, Facebook received $25 million in funding from Greylock Partners and Meritech Capital, as well as previous investors Accel Partners and Peter Thiel. The pre-money valuation for this deal was about $525 million. Facebook subsequently opened up to work networks, eventually amassing over 20,000 work networks. Finally in September 2006, Facebook opened to anyone with an email address.
In the summer of 2006, Yahoo attempted to acquire the company for $1 billion dollars. Reports actually indicated that Zuckerberg made a verbal agreement to sell Facebook to Yahoo. A few days later when Yahoo’s stock price took a dive, the offer was lowered to $800 million and Zuckerberg walked away from the deal. Yahoo later offered $1 billion again, this time Zuckerberg turned Yahoo down and earned instant notoriety as the “kid” who turned down a billion. This was not the first time Zuckerberg turned down an acquisition offer; Viacom had previously unsuccessfully attempted to acquire the company for $750 million in March, 2006.
One sour note for Facebook has been the controversy with social network ConnectU. The founders of ConnectU, former classmates of Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard, allege that Zuckerberg stole their original source code for Facebook. The ordeal has gone to court, and has now been resolved.
Notwithstanding this lingering controversy, Facebook’s growth in the fall of 2007 was staggering. Over 1 million new users signed up every week, 200,000 daily, totaling over 50 million active users. Facebook received 40 billion page views a month. Long gone were the days of Facebook as a social network for college students. 11% of users are over the age of 35, and the fastest growing demographic is users over 30. Facebook has also seen huge growth internationally; 15% of the user base is in Canada. Facebook users’ passion, or addiction, to the site is unparalleled: more than half use the product every single day and users spend an average of 19 minutes a day on Facebook. Facebook is 6th most trafficked site in the US and top photo sharing site with 4.1 billion photos uploaded.
Based on these types of numbers, Microsoft invested $240 million into Facebook for 1.6 percent of the company in October 2007. This meant a valuation of over $15 billion, making Facebook the 5th most valuable US Internet company, yet with only $150 million in annual revenue. Many explained Microsoft’s decision as being solely driven by the desire to outbid Google.
Facebook’s competitors include MySpace, Bebo, Friendster, LinkedIn, Tagged, Hi5, Piczo, and Open Social.

Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004, initially as an exclusive network for Harvard students. It was a huge hit: in 2 weeks, half of the schools in the Boston area began demanding a Facebook network. Zuckerberg immediately recruited his friends Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes to help build Facebook, and within four months, Facebook added 30 more college networks.
The original idea for the term Facebook came from Zuckerberg’s high school (Phillips Exeter Academy). The Exeter Face Book was passed around to every student as a way for students to get to know their classmates for the following year. It was a physical paper book until Zuckerberg brought it to the internet.
With this success, Zuckerberg, Moskowitz and Hughes moved out to Palo Alto for the summer and rented a sublet. A few weeks later, Zuckerberg ran into the former cofounder of Napster, Sean Parker. Parker soon moved in to Zuckerberg’s apartment and they began working together. Parker provided the introduction to their first investor, Peter Thiel, cofounder of PayPal and managing partner of The Founders Fund. Thiel invested $500,000 into Facebook.
With millions more users, Friendster attempted to acquire the company for $10 million in mid 2004. Facebook turned down the offer and subsequently received $12.7 million in funding from Accel Partners, at a valuation of around $100 million. Facebook continued to grow, opening up to high school students in September 2005 and adding an immensely popular photo sharing feature the next month. The next spring, Facebook received $25 million in funding from Greylock Partners and Meritech Capital, as well as previous investors Accel Partners and Peter Thiel. The pre-money valuation for this deal was about $525 million. Facebook subsequently opened up to work networks, eventually amassing over 20,000 work networks. Finally in September 2006, Facebook opened to anyone with an email address.
In the summer of 2006, Yahoo attempted to acquire the company for $1 billion dollars. Reports actually indicated that Zuckerberg made a verbal agreement to sell Facebook to Yahoo. A few days later when Yahoo’s stock price took a dive, the offer was lowered to $800 million and Zuckerberg walked away from the deal. Yahoo later offered $1 billion again, this time Zuckerberg turned Yahoo down and earned instant notoriety as the “kid” who turned down a billion. This was not the first time Zuckerberg turned down an acquisition offer; Viacom had previously unsuccessfully attempted to acquire the company for $750 million in March, 2006.
One sour note for Facebook has been the controversy with social network ConnectU. The founders of ConnectU, former classmates of Mark Zuckerberg at Harvard, allege that Zuckerberg stole their original source code for Facebook. The ordeal has gone to court, and has now been resolved.
Notwithstanding this lingering controversy, Facebook’s growth in the fall of 2007 was staggering. Over 1 million new users signed up every week, 200,000 daily, totaling over 50 million active users. Facebook received 40 billion page views a month. Long gone were the days of Facebook as a social network for college students. 11% of users are over the age of 35, and the fastest growing demographic is users over 30. Facebook has also seen huge growth internationally; 15% of the user base is in Canada. Facebook users’ passion, or addiction, to the site is unparalleled: more than half use the product every single day and users spend an average of 19 minutes a day on Facebook. Facebook is 6th most trafficked site in the US and top photo sharing site with 4.1 billion photos uploaded.
Based on these types of numbers, Microsoft invested $240 million into Facebook for 1.6 percent of the company in October 2007. This meant a valuation of over $15 billion, making Facebook the 5th most valuable US Internet company, yet with only $150 million in annual revenue. Many explained Microsoft’s decision as being solely driven by the desire to outbid Google.
Facebook’s competitors include MySpace, Bebo, Friendster, LinkedIn, Tagged, Hi5, Piczo, and Open Social.